 After // looking toward entry you can see where built -in’s were added and a little more room upon entering the house with the removal of the closet.
 Removed closet at entry so it felt less crowded
 Close up of added built - in’s.
 Where the kitchen wall once stood, now there is an island opening to the rest of the house.
 Original entry with closet you walked right into.
 Entry closet
 looking back at the entry from the living area/kitchen; you can see the narrow entry with closet
 Dining area looking out to the where the pool would eventually end up.
 Dining area before (check out the awful shape the terrazzo floors were in!
 looking straight out through living area, to dining, to the pool area, from the front entry.
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 View from family area into the kitchen, there used to be a wall here as well.
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 View from entry to the kitchen, these walls were removed to create a “great” room.
 Blue master bath!
 Interior wall of the kitchen, before.
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